October 25th, 2010
Week 7 ~ Summerhill Sabre!
In victory, you deserve Champagne, in defeat, you need it. ~ Napoleon
Somethings are just downright cool. One of those things is “Sabreing” a bottle of sparkling wine!
Wikipedia says:
Sabrage is a technique for opening a champagne bottle with a sabre, used for ceremonial occasions. The saber is slid along the body of the bottle toward the neck. The force of the blade hitting the lip breaks the glass to separate the collar from the neck of the bottle. The cork and collar remain together after separating from the neck.
I have heard about this practice over the years but had never seen it done. Wacking the top off a bottle of sparkling wine with a sabre (and flair) appeals to the romantic in me!
I am so blessed to live in the Okanagan!
While at the Coast Capri’s People’s Choice Awards during the Fall Wine Festival I had the pleasure of running into Trish Remple. When I first met Trish she worked at the Vintage Room, since that time she has moved on to the wonderful restraunt at Summerhill Pyramid Winery. I told Trish about 52NEW and my hopes of one day sabring a bottle of wine. Before I knew it she had arranged to have Steve and I taught how to do it, and a wonderful breakfast to boot!
I wish I could include all the footage that we shot at Summerhill Winery, they are truly a wonderful bunch of people who are truly passionate about what they do. So often wine and bubbles can be intimidating. It’s hard when you perceive there is a “right” way to do things, a “right” way to taste things and what feels like a different set of traditions, customs, rights and rituals that need to be followed!
Winemaker Eric Von Krosigk and Off Sight Events Manager Brenda Jaegli made it seem all so approachable!
They took the time to explain how sparkling wine is made, share some of it’s history and made us feel totally at home in the winery!
I am sure the bubbles before 10 that morning might have also helped me relax.
Here are some great things I learned about Summerhill Pyramid Winery:
~ While the brunch is done for the season, the “A La Carte” menu is delightful!
We strongly recommend the “Breakfast Pizza” or the White chocolate pancakes!
~ You can buy a bottle of wine “retail” at Summerhill and have it with dinner!
What you don’t drink you can take home with you!
~ They have a 3 course dinner for $38.00 that sounds delish!
Plus they can do “wine pairing” with it!
~ Jesse Croy is a wonderful Executive Chef! He took the time to talk to us about the menu and what was new at Summerhill in the kitchen, again the passion for what he does was so apparent..
I think they might be on to something in the people they hire at Summerhill!
Tangible Lessons
~ use a “good” bottle of bubbles. The weight of the bottle makes a difference
~ make sure the bottle is the proper temperature (cold)
~ it works because of the pressure in the bottle combined with weak points on the bottle
~ You don’t have to use a sabre, it’s all about hitting the right weak spot on the bottle, just about anything can do it!
~ remember the follow through. (yes just like golf.)
Best of all sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and “go for it!” Passionate people love to share their knowledge and enjoy the process of others discovering what they know and care so much about!
Enjoy the video!
so COOL susan. how can i attach this to my facebook and to summerhill pyramid winery website.
once again, always a pleasure to spend time with you.
so now that you know how to sabre, you will have to come up and show some corporate parties how to master it.
i watched all your other videos, love them all.
see you soon.
trish rempel
Just cut and paste the link onto your facebook wall! I am sure if you send it to whom ever takes care of your webpage they can figure out how to do it. Tell then to email me if I can be of any other help, knight@knightchatter.com
Thank you again for such a wonderful experience! We chatted about it on SUNFM this morning and I will be on AM1150 with Jessica this afternoon talking about it!
is there any way to send me the blurbs from the radio for those who missed it so i can paste those on facebook and our website too, if that is okay.
p.s. you rock
I will try for you! I did put the link on your FB page 🙂
Steve and his team out there are some of the very best people anywhere! And Jessie Croy is a magician with food!
I am so jealous of you for this weeks activity!!
I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see you saber the bottle…SO MUCH FUN!!!
It was pretty amazing.. truth told.. I really enjoyed the bubbles before 10am tee hee hee… I’m amazed I was allowed to hold the knife! At some point I am going to share the out takes!
They are so nice up there!! and yes Jesse is amazing.. those pancakes were down right historic!