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Sometimes it isn’t pretty

I post this picture for everyone that is training and gets annoyed that their sweat isn’t glistening like dew in the morning. Sometimes, it isn’t pretty.   I have friends that regularly post pictures of themselves working out and somehow they always look fabulous. We don’t often see those beginning pictures, at least not until their is an “after” picture to […]



Motivation. We talk about it a lot. I have dug deep the last couple weeks because of the hardest training sessions EVER. I have pushed hard in the gym before, I can think of a certain Russian program that regularly brought me to my knees. These days at Aspire Health and Performance I have to use every little thing I […]


Exploding Fishbowls

Has your fishbowl ever exploded? Mine has. The life of a fish, in a bowl, is pretty simple. Around and around they swim in an environment they are very farmilar with. Do they ever see the world that is just outside? Around and around they go not knowing and often not caring that their paradigm could be shifted at any […]


7 things I like about me!

Sometimes it takes a little extra motivation to keep on track, when that happens I go through the list! The list of things I’m looking forward to once I get back into shape again! The 7 things I like about… ME when I am rockin’ the body I want. #1. Catching a glimpse of myself in a store window and […]


Workout Wednesday ~ Nothing but snow

Workout Wednesday  A new feature where we highlight some of the great things in the fitness industry and my training as I work towards being a competitive powerlifter again.  Did you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you had to shovel.. and shovel .. and shovel during what felt like a never ending snow storm? You are not alone […]


New Year Resolution. It’s a good one!

New Year, the time of resolutions and life changes! There are a million blogs on how you can keep them, what they should or shouldn’t be and why they are a good idea or bad. I will leave those debates to others. I often have used the New Year to kick my butt into gear to do some of the […]