Contact Susan


Sooooo close….

It appears Susan is getting her groove back. Which is also a great excuse to bring out this classic…   I am so very close to a personal victory at Aspire Health and Performance. All that sweating is paying off along with some adjustments to what I am eating,  I can sense that one of my first victories is coming […]


It’s not easy

It’s not easy.  Fat loss. Muscle gain. Good attitute. Consistence. Food prep. Solid choices. It’s not easy. Anyone that tells you it is easy is either in a minority of people who are blessed in a few different departments, or they are trying to sell you something that is probably a good idea to stay away from. Here is what […]



Motivation. We talk about it a lot. I have dug deep the last couple weeks because of the hardest training sessions EVER. I have pushed hard in the gym before, I can think of a certain Russian program that regularly brought me to my knees. These days at Aspire Health and Performance I have to use every little thing I […]


Exploding Fishbowls

Has your fishbowl ever exploded? Mine has. The life of a fish, in a bowl, is pretty simple. Around and around they swim in an environment they are very farmilar with. Do they ever see the world that is just outside? Around and around they go not knowing and often not caring that their paradigm could be shifted at any […]


7 things I like about me!

Sometimes it takes a little extra motivation to keep on track, when that happens I go through the list! The list of things I’m looking forward to once I get back into shape again! The 7 things I like about… ME when I am rockin’ the body I want. #1. Catching a glimpse of myself in a store window and […]