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Ugly Truth

That’s an ugly truth. Sometimes you have to “talk the talk” before you “walk the walk” but sometimes no matter how much talking you do a big obstacle can appear. You might think you have it licked, like your favourite ice cream from Moo Licks, but sometimes that truth rises up and smacks you in the face, also sometimes like […]


7 things I like about me!

Sometimes it takes a little extra motivation to keep on track, when that happens I go through the list! The list of things I’m looking forward to once I get back into shape again! The 7 things I like about… ME when I am rockin’ the body I want. #1. Catching a glimpse of myself in a store window and […]


Today I was naked with a sex bomb.

Change rooms can be intimidating. Change rooms at a gym that trains elite athletes from a variety of different sports even more so. At The Athlete Factory I have shared the change room with swimmers, tennis players, figure skaters, golfers, yogi’s, rugby players and fitness models. Including this super sexy woman: Meet Deanne Greff Wbff Pro   About the only […]


What’s your limiting factor?

limiting factor noun 1.  Physiology . the slowest, therefore rate-limiting, step in a process or reaction involving several steps. 2.  Biology . an environmental factor that tends to limit population size.     I have a bit of a knee issue, it’s actually an old logging injury from when I lived in Squamish… that is a blog for another day. While it gets back to normal I have (OK Michele has) stripped the weight down on the bar and it’s all about technique. Which […]