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sun fm

52NEW ~ Who really needs a toaster oven…

No toaster oven and you really don’t want to break out the frying pan… But you are craving a grill cheese sandwich. What is a girl to do?? After Ian Mackinnon posted this picture on facebook I had a plan! You guessed it.. I put it to the test! Here is how it worked out:


52 NEW ~ A Tattoo story. My “Time Stamps.”

It’s a tattoo story…   I have been fascinated by tattoo’s ever since I can remember, I always wondered about the stories they told and loved the “bad ass” feel. While I enjoyed sneaking a peak at the stereotypical tattoo’ed dude that came my way I was fascinated by the not so typical tattoo’ed people that would cross my path, […]


52NEW ~ Speed Skating!

I come from a family that plays on ice, Mom was a figure skater,  my sister played ringett,  my Grandpa was a skate sharpener and ran the rink in northern Ontario.  I on the other hand have weak ankles, so I generally focused on sports that didn’t require skates. And yet..  I love the sound of blades on ice, the […]


Surf4Smiles ~ 135KM for a great cause!

So tomorrow is the big day. What was I thinking? Answer: I was thinking a few things. This whole idea started because I wanted to celebrate my shift at SUN FM changing from just doing mornings in Kelowna to doing midays which is heard in Vernon, Kelowna and Penticton. The thing all these communities have in common, besides geography is […]


52NEW ~ Learn to pitch!

Perhaps “learn to pitch” might be a bit more than what I learned to do, but I did learn to throw a ball from a pitcher’s mound to the plate.  The question is could I do it in front of 2 ball teams and an audience. Total distance = 60 feet 6 inches! Here’s the deal. I am NOT a […]