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The Athlete Factory

The Heart of an Olympian

As I continue on my quest to try different Summer Olympic sports, at the same time I am gearing up for APU Provincial Championships that will qualify me for CPU Nationals in 2013 and also The 100% RAW “World” Championships in Las Vegas coming up in November. The Provincials are on July 14th in Medicine Hat. I am heading into […]


Summer Olympic Prep ~ Rugby

So I have decided to discover a little more about some of the sports you will find at the Summer Olympics. I am tracking down people with the “know how” and learning basic skills, and trying my hand.. and foot at them! Considering I look like a deranged cabbage patch kid in the process, this is truly about curiosity and enthusiasm.. […]


I seem to be an “emotional” powerlifter…

What do emotions effect in your life? Emotional eater? Shopper? How about powerlifting? I actually almost had an “ugly cry” moment at the gym today. We all have our moments. At least that is what I tell myself. I was excited to get to the gym this morning! After a kick butt lifting day on Tuesday and a great massage […]


I have had it with number obession.

Math has never been a strong suit but this has nothing to do with math and everything to do with scales and clothing sizes. Often, when trying to be all “healthy” and show off our great attitude we will say.. “it’s not the number on the scale that matters, it’s the size of the clothes!” Righttttttttt… in some way that does […]