Aspire Health and Performance Diet Fitness
February 18th, 2015
Water Your Body!
Why is it so difficult to get in the water we should?
One day, someone showed me a glass of water that was half full. And he said, “Is it half full or half empty?” So I drank the water. No more problem.
~ Alexander Jodorowsky
This should be the simplest of any healthy change we make. We often talk about getting your water in to help reduce weight, but athletes listen up: If you dehydrate a muscle only 3% you cause about a 10% loss in contractile strength, and an 8% loss of speed. All because you are not drinking enough water. What an easy fix! Michele at The Green Protein writes a great blog about it.. check it out HERE.
The best tip I have ever utilized for getting all my water is simply. Embrace my inner 6 year olds love of a straw! It goes down faster and in turn you end up drinking more! This is also a lesson we learned when we first started drinking fancy umbrella drinks.. #worsthangoverever
Buzzfeed put together a list of tips that includes some fun apps that might help.. you can check it out HERE!
Join me as I continue on my journey at Aspire Health and Performance. Stop Working Out. Start Training.