An Epic Christmas Adventure!

Originally this Christmas Steve and I were going to be in Kelowna for a friends wedding, the wedding date was changed and we both had time off so another plan was hatched, this plan involved a road trip, to Ontario!

We only had so many days and we wanted to be at my sisters for Christmas Eve and stay to celebrate my Dad’s 70th birthday so we traveled to London Ontario thru the States and drove non stop, the trip home was done through Ontario and we stopped to sleep every night.

My sister is one of the hardest people to surprise in the world. I wasn’t sure of we would be able to do it. Here’s how the trip to London went…

Hour 4. Post Snow Storm.

What! Dog River!!

Border has been crossed. I think.

Day Light! I also seem to be a bit confused.

It’s an Oasis!


Crossing the state line!

Woot Woot! Heading back into Canada!

Has my sister figured it out?

We have arrived…

Here we go…. did we pull it off?

We did it! The Trip back home to Calgary through Canada was amazing! Northern Ontario (while HUGE) is just beautiful! The only trouble spot was when we ended up on a ditch about 100K outside Calgary… yours truly was driving a bit too fast for the conditions. A lovely family from Saskatchewan stopped and had a tow strap and a big truck that popped our little car out no problem!

Merry Christmas! 🙂