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See… Fall isn’t all that bad!

I know it’s a tad “yicky” while we wait for the heat of an Indian Summer to kick in.. but until it does.. just think we can look forward to fun fall/winter things like this!! If you buy one please post a picture!!! Dad… want one for your Birthday??


Happy Tuesday!

How is tomorrow Wednesday already? Short weeks rock, but is there anyway this one is shorter than others? Of course not, that doesn’t make any sense.. but realize once tomorrow is done.. it’s basically the weekend. Anyone that ever went to post secondary school knows that the weekend starts on Thursday! See Mom I did learn something at college!


‘The American’

Check out the trailer for “The American” It looks great! Action.. Intrigue… George Clooney! Let’s just say that is one really well done trailer! I am the girl who usually loves just about every movie.. and this one was beyond slow! People were falling asleep in the seats around us! (Including the dude who ate every piece of popcorn in […]


I love these Cowboy Boots!

A girl can dream, right? Totally out of my budget and highly unlikely to fit around my calf.. but there is something about cowboy boots that makes me start thinking that maybe I could skip a mortgage payment so they could live in my closet…


Week 1 – Trash The Dress

I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep.  That’s deep enough.  What do you want – an adorable pancreas?  ~Jean Kerr, The Snake Has All the Lines We live in a world where we are bombarded with images of perceived beauty. You can never be skinny enough, your hair thick enough, your lips plumb enough or your […]