New Year, the time of resolutions and life changes! There are a million blogs on how you can keep them, what they should or shouldn’t be and why they are a good idea or bad. I will leave those debates to others.

I often have used the New Year to kick my butt into gear to do some of the little things that linger on my :to do “list. Often I find I am successful, examples include wearing ear rings everyday, drinking more water and taking better care of my nails.

On New Years day I saw the usually list of status updates with well intended resolutions and as I scrolled through them I came across this status update from my wonderful smarty pants friend Lisa Garvey.

“I don’t normally do New Year’s resolutions, but this year one just fell into place. For 2015 I’m determined to live a Schrödinger’s Cat kind of life. I want to enjoy life like I could die tomorrow and simultaneously take care of myself like I’m going to live forever. Be both carefree and careful. I want to find that balance that will lead to my best life.”

BOOM. Best. Resolution. EVER!

“Enjoy life like I could die tomorrow and simultaneously take care of myself like I’m going to live forever.”

That will be written down and put on the fridge or perhaps the bathroom mirror as a reminder everyday of a great way to look at day to day life!

Perhaps you will enjoy the idea as much as I did. Happy New Year!

