January 4th, 2011
52NEW ~ 2010 Reflection!
Life is full of wonderful things!
This week on 52NEW, in honour of the New Year, I am taking the time to reflect back on the past year and the 52 things, people, places or businesses that have impacted my life for the better and forced me to learn new things about myself.
Growth is exhilarating and can often be uncomfortable and disconcerting, but allowing yourself to challenge your skill set on both big and small tasks makes for the biggest change of all leading to a satisfaction with life overall that is second to none.
I still believe that there is a direct connect to your life foundation and attitude towards learning and your satisfaction and success level overall.
Here is my list of the 52NEW things that had an impact on my 2010 to help me solidify my foundation and continued growth into 2011.
Top 3 on my list, Steve aka Mr. Knight, Tinkerbell, and Misty. My family that make me smile day to day. Makes me get out of bed when it seems safer under the covers and believes that I can change the world. Thank you.
Our home at Waterscapes is up next. Silly that our home makes this list, but it truly has been a high point. It was tough getting the real estate deal closed because of the market and more than once I wondered if it really was a good idea. It was and is. Downtown condo living is fabulous and all I hoped it would be!
No more frozen shoulder! Spots 5,6, and 7 go to Creative Healing. Without my RMT Kyla spotting the problem quickly and calling in my chiropractor Dr. Easterling the recovery process could of been much more frustrating that it was. 2010 saw the end of the pain and mobility returned!
This list wouldn’t be complete without my family. I am going to single out my sister Catherine. Cath and I might not have been super close as kids but somewhere along the line that closeness has developed as adults. I trust her opinion, insight and know I can turn to her no matter how busy her life is and she will be there for me ~ even when she thinks I am crazy! The highlight in 2010 might have been surprising here in her birthday, when I arrived to the party in a box!
Social Media played a role in 2010 so Facebook and Twitter are in at 9 and 10. I chatted with amazing, interesting, and compelling people whom I never would of had the chance to otherwise and reconnecting with many people I have known both personally and professionally over the years.
I had the opportunity to take counsel with Yvonne Evans in 2010. Her insight has helped me grow into a more confident women possessing more clarity than I thought possible.
Spots 12, 13, 14 go to Idol Fit, Okanagan Naturopathic Healthcare and Aura Beauty who, along with Creative Healing (see number 5,6 and 7) have teamed up with me on my 52NEW Health blog. What a journey we have started!
A shout out to the work crew at Astral Media take up the next couple of spots. Special mentions to Jessica Samuels on AM1150, Andy and TJ at EZRock and of course the entire SUNFM on air crew including Dan, Sonia, Ara and Ian.
Here we are at number 20. Where Kelowna Actors Studio takes the stage. I enjoy so many productions over the year. They put on a wonderful mix of productions using the phenomenal talents of Kelowna!
GirlFriends! Valeh, Melissa, Shelia, Barb, Shawn, Eryn-Faye, Lynda, Alexandra, Aoife, Lindsay, Kerri, Lisa and Stef. Girlfriends? That’s a new one for me. I always said that I seemed to get along with guys better, but upon further reflection it has dawned on me that I have never had a circle of friends, male or female, like I have now.
33 – Eric Frans, the wonderful spouse of my friend Eryn-Faye. Much like his wife a good friend who brought both laughter and insight into my 2010. He was a guest co-host with me on The Breakfast Club! Here is what he thought of that!
Ellen is at 34. She reminded me to be brave. People seem to think that it is now “cool” to be not political correct. Ellen reminded me to stand up and say stop it when people are hurting others. Even if it makes people think I am uptight.
Wow. Here we are at number 35 already. Which goes to Lake Okanagan and all the joy it brings to my life. 36 goes to my wakesurf board and 37 to my wetsuit. I am a water baby through and through. I seek out water to contemplate and to celebrate making Kelowna the perfect place for me.
38. Carpet Cleaners. As much as our condo got top billing on this list the carpets do not. Really. White carpets? Dear Developers, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?
Roxi’s Salon. For making me feel beautiful even on the worst of days is at number 39. Everyone needs a pick me up and a reminder that you can sparkle even when not feeling to sparkely. Roxi and the team at Roxi’s Salon knows how to put a smile back in my eyes and a remarkable bounce in my hair. xx
40, 41 and 42 blogs I enjoy. I could do a full list of 52 blogs I love, so please don’t be offended if you are not on mentioned! These are just 3 of the blogs I read regularly in 2010. Dutchblitz, Her Bad Mother, and Ms. Smarty Pants and fabulous boots Squawkfox.
Art is at 43. I don’t mean Art the dude, I mean Art the magic! From a paintbrush, a camera, molded from clay, created with steel. How ever and where ever it comes from art in all it’s forms will always make a list of things that have an impact on me.
The Kelowna climate is at 44. Hot Summers, sensational shoulder seasons and even if we have a couple freezing weeks in the winter the mild weather with snow on the ground is utter winter perfection.
45, 46 and 47 go to our backyard wildlife. The Beaver that glares from the lake at Misty and Tink, the deer that share breakfast with us over the fence and of course the heron that calls the bird sanctuary home, you all still my heart and make my breath catch of the wonder we live in and with.
Steve and I love great food and fabulous restaurants! 48 and 49 belong to our favourite! Bouchons Bistro and Mabui. Food, atmosphere, service. They have it all.
50 = Disneyland. Best. Job. Perk. EVER! Going to Disneyland as an adult for the first time, truly was magical! I can officially say, “I get it!” Disney truly understands all aspects of what they do from marketing to roller coasters. What a rush! Check out my 52NEW Blog on my Princess makeover!
Prepare yourself for this one. Linen. I love linen. Sheets, pillowcases, and comforters. Different colours, styles and seasons! Perhaps it wouldn’t make your list but at 51 for me: Linen.
52 You! Thank you. You make everyday an adventure, you make me want to be better, you bring me joy. Thank you.
I can’t wait to discover what 52NEW discovery will be coming my way in 2011, thanks for joining me in the journey!
Awwwww shucks!! **blush** 🙂