It’s World Radio Day! Much of the time in radio we talk about the listener, because that is truly who it is all about. Today I am going to turn that around. Radio is full of colorful characters! Brilliant minds, and not just creative ones but also problem solvers in the most linear logical fashion. People motivated by a muse and people motivated by a dollar. People learning to work with personality types that clash loudly, yet that is where the brilliance lies. Radio is creativity, meets technology meets bottom-lines and it THRIVES! Sometimes being in radio can be surreal.. real life is suspended as you dress up like a football and get tackled for concert tickets, wakesurf 100K for charity, talk to someone who called feeling desperately alone until help arrives or working for hours on a piece of radio magic that takes 45 seconds to deliver and once delivered it’s gone. I love the pieces that come together to make great radio, the many voices in many departments that work together to paint a big fabulous audio picture! Working in radio you are part of the change in the world. Words hold power and the best broadcasters know it, revel in it, take responsibility for it, change the world with it. I could go on and on and on.. but I have a mic waiting for me. Big love to the broadcasters that make the magic happen everyday. xx