Whoa.. it’s been awhile!

Wait… What?!? I haven’t updated this blog since the end of October?

Cray – Cray!

Okay.. in brief here is what is going on.


Back at Aspire after being sick and working my buns off. Fat loss is still a struggle but everything else is awesome, including the people I train with daily.  Get a jump start on your New Year Resolutions and call today!! They even have a new nutritional program available! Aspire Health and Performance is so great!

Started going to Valeo Health Clinic (Shout out to Dr. Shannon Snow!) to figure out what is going on with my knee and hip and we seem to be making gains!

Please note: going to people that truly know what they are doing makes a HUGE difference. DO IT! 


Ratings came out and we continue to grow our numbers at Q103.1 (Yippee!)Susan and John

I can fit into clothes at stores that don’t carry plus sizes and got the sweetest little Christmas party dress, and a pair of hot boots.          dress

So know that we are all caught up, a quick head’s up; annually I do a “Holiday Shopping Blog” usually it starts December 1. Obviously I am running behind, I promise to get it started tomorrow!

Until that time I leave you with some Christmas cheer! Love this family that makes up a dance every year…

That’s one way to keep busy!