I’m back at Aspire!!

Remember how your Mom always said to male sure you didn’t “over due it” when you were recovering from being sick, otherwise it would take twice as long to get better?

Mom was right. That sound you just heard was my Mother where ever she is high 5’ing all her friends.


I was sick September 21st and honestly haven’t been 100% until this past week!!  Mostly because I kept trying to push things and get back into Aspire and work .. and life at the pace I am accustomed to.

Seriously bad call; and I kept getting knocked back into bed.

I am out the other side now! 5 pounds heavier but happy to be moving forward.

I pounded out a solid hour on the bike the other day. It was following a very busy day at work with a quick video shoot.. which I got all dolled up for (hello mascara and lip gloss) which I forgot I had on.

The sweat was pouring off me as I gave all I had on that bike. Yup. I became THAT girl.


I was wondering why everyone kept looking at me strangely. I burst into crazed laughter when I walked into the change room and happened to look into the mirror.  Le sigh. So here is the lesson.. that girl with the make up running down her face.. might be totally unaware of what is happening and is just trying to get her sweat on. Be kind. 😉

Psssst… get a jump on your New Year Resolution… Find out how to get started — HERE