Sooooo close….

It appears Susan is getting her groove back. Which is also a great excuse to bring out this classic…


I am so very close to a personal victory at Aspire Health and Performance. All that sweating is paying off along with some adjustments to what I am eating,  I can sense that one of my first victories is coming up fast. Andrew and I have also done some lifting and I am not nearly as far off my former strength as I had feared!

As you work on one part of your life, in a heathy and intentful way (is intentful a real word? Well it is now) it’s amazing how other parts of your life start to fall in line. It becomes easier to create the change you need, because you are learning that you can create change and it isn’t as scary as you may have imagined.

Step by step it is happening. My confidence on air is returning, I am making sure I get enough sleep, I am entering triathlons, and planning 10 hour fundraising wake surf’s from one end of the lake to another.

I am also taking stock of what I want, and how it is going to happen.

I am not a woman that wears a bunch of makeup. When I do it is usually a big event or a photo shoot. When I am not feeling great about my skin I also try to even things out ~ this usually happens in the winter.  Over the years I have learned that if I want to look healthy in the colder months I need to make sure I address the abuse I put my skin through in the summer, and I need to do it sooner over later.

We are all in this together and I should share! I met this super cool, beautiful woman with skin that was exactly what I wanted, at first I thought she was just a make up master but it turns out she is a skin master! I love the idea that make up can be used as an accent and for fun rather than to cover up what you want to hide.  Kathryn also didn’t shy away from the Okanagan lifestyle, no need to hide from the sun… but you have to treat the damage rather than band aid it.. so I am going for it!

Off to Bijou I go! I had a facial and a Venus Freeze treatment and am on a regiment of ZO Skin Care.. will it work? It will be pretty obvious either way!

Not the best photo but it will get things started; here is my face after week 1!



BTW: Please check out my fundraising campaign for Kids Care!   CLICK HERE