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52NEW: Tu Tu Hot For You!

I managed to scratch a few things of my 52NEW list in one day! This weekend I participated in the “City Chase” which involved a series of challenges all over the city and the only way you could get to them was on foot or by transit. I raced with Ian Mackinnon. Ian. Is. Awesome.  I have always wanted to […]


52NEW ~ Morning person no longer…

I didn’t expect to put my thesis to the test so soon. Here was post 1. Explaining what 52NEW was all about: Life can toss you curve balls on occasion, and those curve balls can sometimes clock you in the head and leave you on the ground and gasping for air. Not fun. That is when the “who” you are […]


52NEW ~ Pretty Pretty Pretty Nails!

My nails on the keyboard are makng that fun “click click click” sound that happens when you have fancy long nails! Did I grow these delights myself? No. I had some help. 52NEW is about getting the nails that look good ~ all the time. I have attempted to grow “my own” nails and that has always been an exercise […]


52NEW ~ Cha Cha SPLAT!

Astral Media has been a sponsor of “Swinging with the Stars” for the Kelowna Hospice for the past three years. Year one saw Andy and TJ from EZRock waltzing across the floor, year two Andy and TJ took over the role as MC and AM1150 host Phil Johnson entertained on the dance floor, this year Andy and TJ returned as […]


52NEW ~ The most dangerous cake in the world!

Shopping List: 1 Coffee Mug 4 tablespoons flour(that’s plain flour, not self-rising) 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons baking cocoa 1 egg 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons oil 3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional) some nuts (optional) Small splash of vanilla How to make it: Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well . Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in […]


52NEW ~ It’s all about LOVE!

What isn’t to love about love? I can feel the dirty look coming my way from some, and the hopeless romantics swooning! The is week on 52NEW we talk heart, flowers and asking the big question; Will you marry me! My job has plenty of cool perks including, concert tickets, sporting events, gala’s, meeting awesome people, and on occasion helping […]