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52NEW ~ Flat Stanley

Big switch from me yelling at a nun last week! Who is Flat Stanley? Well Stanley is a character in a book. According to Wikipedia: Flat Stanley is a 1964 children’s book written by Jeff Brown (1926 – December 3, 2003) and illustrated by Tomi Ungerer. It is the first in a series of books featuring Stanley Lambchop, a completely […]


52NEW ~ Let’s Get Dramatic!

When you are a radio announcer everyone assumes that you are comfortable on a stage or in front of an audience. Some of us are more comfortable than others, I believe it’s important to our job and if an announcer isn’t comfortable it is their responsibility to fake it until they are. Part of the territory is being in front […]


52NEW ~ Birthdays! Friendship! Heartbreak!

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” I learned a few interesting things this week, I learned how to check my stocks that I buy at work and how to cash them in, I learned that the question “How many calories are in a banana” is harder to answer that one […]


52NEW ~ 2010 Reflection!

Life is full of wonderful things! This week on 52NEW, in honour of the New Year, I am taking the time to reflect back on the past year and the 52 things, people, places or businesses that have impacted my life for the better and forced me to learn new things about myself. Growth is exhilarating and can often be […]


52NEW ~ Holiday Gravy at Lake Okanagan Resort

Let the holiday fun begin!  Holidays can bring on many challenges, from dealing with family, finding the perfect present, and perhaps even cooking the grand feast! Many people have challenges with the spread. Timing so it all comes out at the same time, or finding a away to make brussel sprouts taste good, perhaps making sure the turkey isn’t dry, […]