Contact Susan


Dear Body…

Dear Body, Did I piss you off? Perhaps it was years of smoking and pasta. Maybe I should of done all that stretching that I was told to do over the years. Really do you need to be so grouchy? Obviously the brain is part of you, so don’t you know what it’s thinking? You know to the heart of […]


Good Will & Ego

  We have all heard the phrase, “Pay it forward.” Do something good for someone and help the love/goodness/joy/charity move forward. LOVE THIS CONCEPT! Here is where I think it gets derailed; When you tell someone to do it! Doing good things for other people is wonderful! Perhaps you plug a meter, buy someone a coffee, or help carry groceries […]


Hey honey, look at my A$$!

We all want people to notice when we start to change our body shape for the better. Sometime the response isn’t exactly what we would expect!  I have a girlfriend that has been working really hard to get into better shape and fit into a smaller pair of jeans, and her husband noticed!! He mentioned that she was slimming down […]


I didn’t want this to turn into a shopping blog, but…

I will get back to my regularly scheduled rants and ramblings at some point,  until that time… HOW CUTE IS THIS! I know a certain cheeseburger lover that might find this just too funny… Cough Cough Sonia Sidhu Cough Cough Even better, this super cute charm necklace is made by a Kelowna girl! Shop Local ~ even online! Take a […]


Dandy – “LIONS” Oh so CUTE ~ Plus a brillant idea!

Well that is just a world of cute!! I clicked on a twitter link (Thank you @alimartell) and found this site… Hello 2011 shopping… Get it.. DandyLIONS – Happy shopping! I did some more lurking around the website, I LOVE this.. You can submit your idea, they turn it into a shirt, YOU can make some cash! Check it out […]