Come on be happy!

Yup I am bilingual.

I speak english and I speak another language fluently that drives much of my friends and family insane; hypothetical.

That’s right. Hypothetical.

…a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena…

Learning to speak this language gave me a wonderful gift. It gave me a way to escape from my brain and work on those empathy muscles.

Here is an example. You pull into a full parking lots and see this:

Parking gone wrong

Most people seem to think a few things off the top. Starting with:

What an inconsiderate ass! I am going to take a picture and spread it far and wide so everyone knows that horrible people like this are alive and are so selfish that they think they can ย just do what they want when they want!

That might be the case.

or.. you can also speak hypothetical, which could take you down another path. Such as:

Oh No! I hope that person is OK! Obviously they are so distraught over something that they didn’t behave in a proper manner! Perhaps a family member is sick or has passed away…


Yikes! That person didn’t park very responsibly.. I wonder if they had to go to the bathroom REALLY badly and had reached the breaking point and just had to make a run for it?

Truly the person might be an ass, but perhaps not. I know what I would prefer to believe and that belief allows me to go through my day without my ego getting all riled about about something I can do nothing about. Thus making me a happier person!

You can apply this to many things. People’s driving skills, unbalanced family members, the rude lady in the coffee line or coworkers that seem to have a huge chip on their shoulder.

I admit sometimes I falter, but on the whole this approach allows me to live a happier life and helps me automatically think the best of people.

Give it a try for a month and see if it helps you be a happier person!