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Susan Knight

52NEW ~ Who really needs a toaster oven…

No toaster oven and you really don’t want to break out the frying pan… But you are craving a grill cheese sandwich. What is a girl to do?? After Ian Mackinnon posted this picture on facebook I had a plan! You guessed it.. I put it to the test! Here is how it worked out:


52 NEW ~ A Tattoo story. My “Time Stamps.”

It’s a tattoo story…   I have been fascinated by tattoo’s ever since I can remember, I always wondered about the stories they told and loved the “bad ass” feel. While I enjoyed sneaking a peak at the stereotypical tattoo’ed dude that came my way I was fascinated by the not so typical tattoo’ed people that would cross my path, […]


81 Shopping day’s until Christmas… Put ’em up!

We all have some favourite stores, stores we can count on to pick up that perfect girlfriend gift or find a good dose of retail therapy! I have a few of these places in Kelowna including Funktional which you can find on Bernard downtown. Hidden among the laughing Buddha’s, funky bags, scarves and artwork I found this:  Everyone knows someone that […]


85 Shopping Days until Christmas!

Every year I do a bit of a “shopping” blog as the holidays get closer. Some people get highly annoyed by it due to two things. 1 they get stressed about how quickly Christmas is coming and 2 they don’t like the commercial aspect of the holiday. Well.. this is my blog and here is what I have to say […]