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I have had it with number obession.

Math has never been a strong suit but this has nothing to do with math and everything to do with scales and clothing sizes. Often, when trying to be all “healthy” and show off our great attitude we will say.. “it’s not the number on the scale that matters, it’s the size of the clothes!” Righttttttttt… in some way that does […]


Food for this week…

Basically I am looking at 541g of carbs in a day and 118 g of Protein. Here is how that breaks down for food on Monday.. and a basic plan for the rest of the week with some shifting around on lifting days. Meal 1:   117 g of carbs / 24.7g of Protein 2cups of oatmeal 1 Banana 1 […]


Unbreakable, yup that’s my trainer.

… and further to yesterday’s post.  At The Athlete Factory I get to work out with a variety of different athletes, I watch figure skaters, sprinters, basketball, rugby, hockey and football players, bobsleders and even body builders! It’s pretty amazing to watch the different body types and what they do to meet there goals. It’s neat to see the strongest […]