Drive for 45 ~ Days 10 & 11

Back in the gym!

I have been sick, and I’m still not 100% but enough was enough time to visit the squat rack again. As I drove to The Athlete Factory I had this sinking feeling in my stomach, almost as if the past year hadn’t been real.  Who was I kidding? Training for Nationals 2014? We all know how the 2013’s went…

It’s amazing how a flattened ego can whisper in your ear. At least with some maturity on my side I did recognize my ego for what it was, took a deep breath and went at it again. A dear friend (thx Karen) also reminded me that your ego will always keep up…

I was pleasantly surprised.. 135lbs really feels like nothing and 200lbs on the bar is noticeable but not panic inducing. Michelle had us tackling my depth and folding issues from Nationals right off the bat. Happy to report progress was made and my form returned.. now we just have to get it to stay.

How is the running going? Let’s just say, it’s not pretty, but it’s getting done.

A couple things I am adding to my Drive for 45.. things that I want done this year include:

1. Getting my teeth fixed to how they were a few years ago! My childhood “bucked” teeth have returned and I am not pleased. Anyone want to eat an apple through a fence?

2. Explore false eye lashes (the semi permanent kind) A girlfriend had them done and she always looks awesome.

3. Once and for all mesh together what style I like.. with what style looks good on this body of mine!

4. Come up with a new make up regime that better works with my more “mature” features.

So far that’s the list.. I am sure it will be added to as the year goes on, a truly want to be firing on all cylinders when it comes to moving on after my 45th Birthday!