Contact Susan


Training on a holiday.

So many people said; “Come on! It’s a stat, take a day off!” Why did I get up early and make sure I trained before getting in my day of fun on the lake? A few reasons… A couple weeks ago I pounded out 2.5 hours a day on a stationary bike, 5 days in a row. It was really […]


Sometimes it isn’t pretty

I post this picture for everyone that is training and gets annoyed that their sweat isn’t glistening like dew in the morning. Sometimes, it isn’t pretty.   I have friends that regularly post pictures of themselves working out and somehow they always look fabulous. We don’t often see those beginning pictures, at least not until their is an “after” picture to […]


7 things I like about me!

Sometimes it takes a little extra motivation to keep on track, when that happens I go through the list! The list of things I’m looking forward to once I get back into shape again! The 7 things I like about… ME when I am rockin’ the body I want. #1. Catching a glimpse of myself in a store window and […]