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Susan Knight

52NEW ~ The most dangerous cake in the world!

Shopping List: 1 Coffee Mug 4 tablespoons flour(that’s plain flour, not self-rising) 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons baking cocoa 1 egg 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons oil 3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional) some nuts (optional) Small splash of vanilla How to make it: Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well . Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in […]


52NEW ~ It’s all about LOVE!

What isn’t to love about love? I can feel the dirty look coming my way from some, and the hopeless romantics swooning! The is week on 52NEW we talk heart, flowers and asking the big question; Will you marry me! My job has plenty of cool perks including, concert tickets, sporting events, gala’s, meeting awesome people, and on occasion helping […]


52NEW ~ Flat Stanley

Big switch from me yelling at a nun last week! Who is Flat Stanley? Well Stanley is a character in a book. According to Wikipedia: Flat Stanley is a 1964 children’s book written by Jeff Brown (1926 – December 3, 2003) and illustrated by Tomi Ungerer. It is the first in a series of books featuring Stanley Lambchop, a completely […]


52NEW ~ Let’s Get Dramatic!

When you are a radio announcer everyone assumes that you are comfortable on a stage or in front of an audience. Some of us are more comfortable than others, I believe it’s important to our job and if an announcer isn’t comfortable it is their responsibility to fake it until they are. Part of the territory is being in front […]


Good Will & Ego

  We have all heard the phrase, “Pay it forward.” Do something good for someone and help the love/goodness/joy/charity move forward. LOVE THIS CONCEPT! Here is where I think it gets derailed; When you tell someone to do it! Doing good things for other people is wonderful! Perhaps you plug a meter, buy someone a coffee, or help carry groceries […]


52NEW ~ Birthdays! Friendship! Heartbreak!

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” I learned a few interesting things this week, I learned how to check my stocks that I buy at work and how to cash them in, I learned that the question “How many calories are in a banana” is harder to answer that one […]