Contact Susan

If I kick off soon here is the wisdom I leave you with.

So I just finished reading a blog titled “My posthumous advice for my daughter,” it was funny and insightful! Give it a read if you get the chance. It did get me thinking, what advice would I leave? At which point I realized that my “daughter” is a dog and  my advice would be irrelevant unless it included how to […]


Who are the people in your neighbourhood?

Remember this? Last week on the “big show” we were talking about interesting people you meet at the most random times. When asked about the interesting people, most responded with celebrity encounters; but that’s not what I was taking about. I mean everyday seemingly average people that unexpectedly intrigued you. Just recently we had to have our Telus box replaced, since […]


She’s Back!

So moving to a new city and just trying to continue with life as if nothing major has happened, doesn’t really work. Who knew? Something had to give and it turned out it was my blog. The good news is that my break from blogging allowed me to get some “life” things done and reflect on what I wanted to […]


Let’s run!

I have done my share of run clinics, but I have never mastered any joy in running. The funny above made me laugh because if push came to shove I would have to turn and fight I wouldn’t be out running anything or anyone. If the zombies ever attack you will want me around.. I will be excellent distraction while […]


I promise

As I head towards my 45th birthday and strive to hit midlife with all my ducks in row; physically, emotionally and otherwise I have come to realize a few things. Here is one of them. “Before and After” pictures piss me off. Seriously. I find them demotivating and don’t really believe them. We all know that in print and TV […]