Contact Susan


School of Susan

So.. you were flattened by the train. What now? Check the last “School of Susan” blog for more on the train reference. If applicable; talk to a lawyer. Consults are most often free and questions can be cleared up pretty quickly. Sleep. Seriously. If you can make sure to get a solid 8 to 10 hours. Your brain will process […]


That’s my girl!

My first full time job in radio came just after my graduation at Fanshawe College. There was a few of us in line for the gig, but I succeeded and the job was mine! It wasn’t until later I discovered that part of the reason I got that job was because I was female and there was a mandate at […]


Sprott Shaw Graduation 2015 address

Thank you… I was honoured and flattered when I received the invitation to be with you tonight. A group of people who have chosen professions that will touch and change lives. Nursing, Health Care assistants, community support workers social services, Admin assistants, business management, medical office assistants, legal administrators –  all of you will be making someone’s life easier,  smoother and […]


Workout Wednesday ~ Nothing but snow

Workout Wednesday  A new feature where we highlight some of the great things in the fitness industry and my training as I work towards being a competitive powerlifter again.  Did you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you had to shovel.. and shovel .. and shovel during what felt like a never ending snow storm? You are not alone […]


Alphabet Backwards

What happens when; you are home.. you are unemployed.. and you are bored? I discovered that the World Record holder can recite the alphabet backwards in just over 2 seconds, so I figured, why not try it myself! I cheated, I have it written in front of me.. and I still can’t do it that fast!! Take a look:   […]


Dream ~ Earworm alert!

I love the creative spirit! As much as I can be a bit of a hard ass when it comes to the difference between a “goal” and a “dream” I can certainly celebrate inspiration. Lisette Xavier is suppling that in droves in her latest song and video “Dream.” Sometimes you need the one, two three punches.. you have to hear.. […]