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Share.. share.. and share again!

Busy day in internet land! I was going to blog about my powerlifting meet on the weekend.. but that will just have to wait because I have happy things to share! Let’s start with this:   I realize that it is totally uncool, unproductive and will do nothing but create weak people in our society to acknowledge that we are […]


Running away to join the Circus!

Steve and I have decide that at least once a week we are going to make a point of experiencing something new. This week we have 2 events lined up, the first one was last night and it was wonderful! We ran away to the circus! Actually, we took the C-train.. but you get the point. Cirque du Soleil was […]



OK.. before I get into the sprinting stuff just an FYI: Thursday morning I woke up and my inner 13 year old was screaming, pissed off and irrational, all be it for a good reason. I promise a blog on that bit of fun later.    Now my “Sprint Mechanics Session” with the lovely Valentina Romanov. (Great name eh?) I was […]


An Epic Christmas Adventure!

Originally this Christmas Steve and I were going to be in Kelowna for a friends wedding, the wedding date was changed and we both had time off so another plan was hatched, this plan involved a road trip, to Ontario! We only had so many days and we wanted to be at my sisters for Christmas Eve and stay to […]


This seems Monday worthy :)

“Optimist: someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s a cha-cha.” – Robert Brault and just for fun.. here is Steve and I doing a Cha Cha to help raise money for the Kelowna Hospice.. be warned.. it’s kinda unique..