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Running away to join the Circus!

Steve and I have decide that at least once a week we are going to make a point of experiencing something new. This week we have 2 events lined up, the first one was last night and it was wonderful! We ran away to the circus! Actually, we took the C-train.. but you get the point. Cirque du Soleil was […]


Weigh in #1

I stood on the scale today. Why? I have a weight category I want to be in at the Powerlifting Nationals in 2014. Let’s just say.. I have put on a TON of muscle… Yeah, that’s it.  BTW: I PROMISE this blog won’t all be about weight, but it’s part of my journey so therefor it’s going to be part of the […]



OK.. before I get into the sprinting stuff just an FYI: Thursday morning I woke up and my inner 13 year old was screaming, pissed off and irrational, all be it for a good reason. I promise a blog on that bit of fun later.    Now my “Sprint Mechanics Session” with the lovely Valentina Romanov. (Great name eh?) I was […]


Drive for 45 ~ Days 10 & 11

Back in the gym! I have been sick, and I’m still not 100% but enough was enough time to visit the squat rack again. As I drove to The Athlete Factory I had this sinking feeling in my stomach, almost as if the past year hadn’t been real.  Who was I kidding? Training for Nationals 2014? We all know how […]


Drive for 45 ~ Day 8 & 9

I have been a sick all Easter weekend. I don’t get sick often so I am a major wimp when it does strike.. so I have been whining and sleeping the weekend away. I did manage to get one important thing done! Meet my new running shoes! This time I am trying a pair of Brooks called Ghost 5.. a […]


Drive for 45

The Susan Knight Book Club met tonight! The book we disscussed was The 13th Tale by Dianne Setterfield. Over all postive reviews, with some people finding it too confusing and others finding it took too long to “get” into it. The majority agreed that they would recommend it to a friend! It is a complex read with a variety of […]