Contact Susan

It’s not easy

It’s not easy.  Fat loss. Muscle gain. Good attitute. Consistence. Food prep. Solid choices. It’s not easy. Anyone that tells you it is easy is either in a minority of people who are blessed in a few different departments, or they are trying to sell you something that is probably a good idea to stay away from. Here is what […]


Sprott Shaw Graduation 2015 address

Thank you… I was honoured and flattered when I received the invitation to be with you tonight. A group of people who have chosen professions that will touch and change lives. Nursing, Health Care assistants, community support workers social services, Admin assistants, business management, medical office assistants, legal administrators –  all of you will be making someone’s life easier,  smoother and […]


Training on a holiday.

So many people said; “Come on! It’s a stat, take a day off!” Why did I get up early and make sure I trained before getting in my day of fun on the lake? A few reasons… A couple weeks ago I pounded out 2.5 hours a day on a stationary bike, 5 days in a row. It was really […]


Dear friend afraid of failing

Dear friend afraid of failing, First let me say. I love you. You are fierce and strong, determined and beautiful! You have made a choice to do a few thing differently in your life with the final outcome being a happier and healthier you. You know HOW, you just have to start. You confessed to me that you are afraid […]