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Sweaty Wednesday

Rocks in that jelly!

    Fat loss is such a pain in the ass. I have tackled this issue head on and hired some help for the process. At this point in involves weekly measurments with calipers – oh joy. I tend to make small jokes while this delightful process is on the go. Today while the calipers were clasped on my ample […]


Training on a holiday.

So many people said; “Come on! It’s a stat, take a day off!” Why did I get up early and make sure I trained before getting in my day of fun on the lake? A few reasons… A couple weeks ago I pounded out 2.5 hours a day on a stationary bike, 5 days in a row. It was really […]


Dear friend afraid of failing

Dear friend afraid of failing, First let me say. I love you. You are fierce and strong, determined and beautiful! You have made a choice to do a few thing differently in your life with the final outcome being a happier and healthier you. You know HOW, you just have to start. You confessed to me that you are afraid […]


Susan vs a Troll Doll

I promised a blog full of reality as I worked towards my health goals. Seriously, I appreciate all the healthy smiley people on fitness blogs but sometimes you just want to know you are not alone when it hurts, not alone when you have sweat in places you didn’t know could produce sweat, not alone when you wonder if you […]