Contact Susan

I hate warehouse shopping. No deal makes the smell better.

We all have something that we will pay a bit more money for; yes even you, the coupon clipping warehouse shopping thrifty person.  It is simple in my world. I will pay more for: SERVICE.  This is bad. Very, very, very, bad; because everything is affected by service from cars to candles. I love to shop in boutiques and appreciate […]


Share.. share.. and share again!

Busy day in internet land! I was going to blog about my powerlifting meet on the weekend.. but that will just have to wait because I have happy things to share! Let’s start with this:   I realize that it is totally uncool, unproductive and will do nothing but create weak people in our society to acknowledge that we are […]


What’s your limiting factor?

limiting factor noun 1.  Physiology . the slowest, therefore rate-limiting, step in a process or reaction involving several steps. 2.  Biology . an environmental factor that tends to limit population size.     I have a bit of a knee issue, it’s actually an old logging injury from when I lived in Squamish… that is a blog for another day. While it gets back to normal I have (OK Michele has) stripped the weight down on the bar and it’s all about technique. Which […]


I lift heavy…for a person.

I follow a bunch of athlete’s on instagram, one of which appears pretty hard core, (Bobby Ashhurst) today he posted a picture that said.. “Better sore than sorry” and “deadlift, because somewhere a girl is warming up with your max weight.” Are you kidding me? Here is the conversation that followed: susanknight: Because somewhere a girl is warming up with your […]


Katy Perry ~ ROAR

I like this woman more and more.. Her new singe ROAR has been leaked.. give it a listen HERE   This will be a must have on any work out or break up playlist for sure.. I will have it on repeat before my next powerlifting meet in September!                      


Important reminder from an awesome 8 year old.

I just had to share this wonderful story about my nephew Kyle. Kyle is 8, Kyle is awesome and Kyle wanted everyone to know. Kyle was the ring bearer at Wade and Danielle’s wedding. Wade is the son of my sister’s husband’s brother. Kyle was a dashing ring bearer and a handsome devil to be sure! It seems Kyle got a […]