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Workout Wednesday ~ Nothing but snow

Workout Wednesday  A new feature where we highlight some of the great things in the fitness industry and my training as I work towards being a competitive powerlifter again.  Did you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you had to shovel.. and shovel .. and shovel during what felt like a never ending snow storm? You are not alone […]


So You Think You Can Skate

The 3 things I learned from our attempts to execute a skating dance program. The Big Breakfast decided to honour the arrival of Skate Canada International in Kelowna with an attempt at a dance program, yes, on skates. These athletes are amazing and what a great way to highlight just how amazing by attempting to do even a smidge of what they […]


Kids these days!

What a wonderful gift. I always try to stay positive in life. I daily remind myself that I have a choice of how I view the world, my community, my workplace, my homelife, and myself.  I long ago tossed out my rose coloured glasses but my rose tinted glasses remain. I choose to think the best of people, situations and […]


Motivation is for the weak

Motivation is for the weak. I read that delightful statement on someone’s facebook status last week. My first response involved enough eye rolling for my husband to ask what I was reading.  The statement stayed with me for another day or two and was murmured by my sub conscious enough that I sat down and had a little think about […]


Well hello 2014.. here is what I pledge to you

Resolutions are a pain in the butt. I know plenty of people who say yearly resolutions don’t work or doing them once a year is a set up for failure, but I don’t think so. I think we tend to attack them in ginormous chunks, so either our resolutions are too broad with no specific goals; Example: In 2014 I […]