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OK.. before I get into the sprinting stuff just an FYI: Thursday morning I woke up and my inner 13 year old was screaming, pissed off and irrational, all be it for a good reason. I promise a blog on that bit of fun later.    Now my “Sprint Mechanics Session” with the lovely Valentina Romanov. (Great name eh?) I was […]


Drive for 45 ~ Days 10 & 11

Back in the gym! I have been sick, and I’m still not 100% but enough was enough time to visit the squat rack again. As I drove to The Athlete Factory I had this sinking feeling in my stomach, almost as if the past year hadn’t been real.  Who was I kidding? Training for Nationals 2014? We all know how […]


Drive for 45 ~ Day 8 & 9

I have been a sick all Easter weekend. I don’t get sick often so I am a major wimp when it does strike.. so I have been whining and sleeping the weekend away. I did manage to get one important thing done! Meet my new running shoes! This time I am trying a pair of Brooks called Ghost 5.. a […]


Day 5

Working out and standing on the scale? Please DO NOT judge your success on that number. Here is why: Disclaimer: I may blog about this.. but trust me… I have a hard time wrapping my head around it as well.


Day 4

Last week at this time I was nervous but ready for my first time at the 2013 National Powerlifting Championships. Little did I know that I wouldn’t even get past the back squat. I have never missed my depth in competition but I sure did that day. I know I have to put it behind me and move on, focus […]


Thigh chafing blues. SOLUTION!

I am a sturdy girl. Not at my ideal weight yet and even if I was I would have thighs like tree trunks. I am a powerlifter and I am OK with this; BUT it does lead to some chafing issues. I do plan on still doing the odd triathlon and cardio is important from a health perspective, so I run and […]


How to get seeds out of the pomegranate! (52NEW 4&5)

I have smoothies daily and now that I am really focused on “whole foods” they are made from scratch. One of these smoothies has pomegranate seeds in it.. and traditionally I make one big mess. So I went in search of ways to do it better. I found two that seemed worth a shot. The first try involves a bowl […]