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Exploding Fishbowls

Has your fishbowl ever exploded? Mine has. The life of a fish, in a bowl, is pretty simple. Around and around they swim in an environment they are very farmilar with. Do they ever see the world that is just outside? Around and around they go not knowing and often not caring that their paradigm could be shifted at any […]


Legions have stood at the precipice

I sit here in front of my computer a defeated woman. Sweaty, bruised and still trying to catch my breath. What could of possibly put me in this level of distress? Shopping for a new sports bra. I kid you not. Sports bra shopping no matter what your fitness level possesses the ability to bring you shaking to your knees […]


New Year Resolution. It’s a good one!

New Year, the time of resolutions and life changes! There are a million blogs on how you can keep them, what they should or shouldn’t be and why they are a good idea or bad. I will leave those debates to others. I often have used the New Year to kick my butt into gear to do some of the […]


So You Think You Can Skate

The 3 things I learned from our attempts to execute a skating dance program. The Big Breakfast decided to honour the arrival of Skate Canada International in Kelowna with an attempt at a dance program, yes, on skates. These athletes are amazing and what a great way to highlight just how amazing by attempting to do even a smidge of what they […]


I need feminism

Did the title scare you away? Please stay and give me a moment, this will be quick and only a smidge painful. I battle with the title feminist because of preconceived notions that don’t fully embrace what a feminist is. Here is the definition:  The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. That makes sense, right? Right. […]


Kids these days!

What a wonderful gift. I always try to stay positive in life. I daily remind myself that I have a choice of how I view the world, my community, my workplace, my homelife, and myself.  I long ago tossed out my rose coloured glasses but my rose tinted glasses remain. I choose to think the best of people, situations and […]