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Dear Calgary

Dear Calgary, I loved you before I knew you. Something captured my imagination when I was a kid growing up in Ontario; when I moved to B.C. and drove through Calgary I knew one day I would be back, and just when I thought it wasn’t ever going to happen it did. My Calgary dream came true. But.. it’s time […]


Alphabet Backwards

What happens when; you are home.. you are unemployed.. and you are bored? I discovered that the World Record holder can recite the alphabet backwards in just over 2 seconds, so I figured, why not try it myself! I cheated, I have it written in front of me.. and I still can’t do it that fast!! Take a look:   […]


Book Review Times Two!

It took me FOREVER to finish this book.   It’s embarrassing because most people just LOVED it! People I consider “well read” declared it brilliant and people who rarely pick up a book found it fascinating! At first brush I loved the concept: The critically acclaimed author of The Radleys shares a clever, heartwarming, and darkly insightful novel  about an alien who […]


Let them eat SOUP!

Some days you just know that you have flat out over indulged. You want to keep things in check… but you also know it’s important to eat and let’s face it; even if you stuffed your self at lunch chances are good around dinner you are still thinking about eating. My friend Karla sent me this great recipe for a […]



As the kids like to say.. “for serious.” What is the secret to that I discovered? How to keep my house clean. I am the WORST housekeeper. My reputation for not giving a flying fig newton is almost legendary when it comes to keeping a home looking lovely. In the past I had but one solution. Hire someone. If it […]


When the going gets tough the tough…

The tough make sure they have fabulous hair!  It’s one of the simple things you can do when you are feeling blue, need a change, or a confidence boost. It’s amazing. Great hair can save the day. Perhaps you are wearing “those” pants, the ones you are sure make your butt look misshapen, or you forgot to wear the lipstick […]



I want to be good with change. I work hard at being good with change. I brave face it and wear a positive attitude. But sometimes I just want to scream…..  CHANGE SUCKS! I can’t get this song out of my head.   I can’t get a lot of songs out of my head. In between trying to find my […]