Contact Susan

Motivation is for the weak

Motivation is for the weak. I read that delightful statement on someone’s facebook status last week. My first response involved enough eye rolling for my husband to ask what I was reading.  The statement stayed with me for another day or two and was murmured by my sub conscious enough that I sat down and had a little think about […]


Cupid requests that you get over yourself

  I am a lucky gal.. a fabulous husband who in many ways is my best friend. I have friends that are envious of the relationship I have, and I don’t blame them! But here is a secret. We STINK at Valentines Day. Actually we kind of stink at romance in general. It just worked out that way. There is […]


It’s been a long time since I cried about being stupid.

I took up knitting recently. Sometimes I push aside the fact that I don’t learn the way other people do, sometimes the harsh reality of it sneaks up and smacks me over the head and I cry. Big desperate frustrating crocodile tears. It’s not the actually act of knitting that is causing my frustration. I understand that it takes practice […]


Come on be happy!

Yup I am bilingual. I speak english and I speak another language fluently that drives much of my friends and family insane; hypothetical. That’s right. Hypothetical. …a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena… Learning to speak this language gave me a wonderful gift. It gave me a way to escape […]


Well hello 2014.. here is what I pledge to you

Resolutions are a pain in the butt. I know plenty of people who say yearly resolutions don’t work or doing them once a year is a set up for failure, but I don’t think so. I think we tend to attack them in ginormous chunks, so either our resolutions are too broad with no specific goals; Example: In 2014 I […]