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Christmas Countdown

The Christmas Countdown continues with fun gift ideas from both end of the budget! I LOVE this concept.. it’s art and it’s personal! DNA11 is a super cool company that takes your DNA, fingerprints or lip prints and turns it into art! Even better, it’s a Canadian company! How much fun would it be to stake out your side of the […]


Favourite Things 2014

Its become a bit of a tradition, leading up to Christmas I indulge and share with you some of my favourite gift ideas; yes, this was inspired by a slightly bigger celebrity than I.  This year when I post I am going to share 2 ideas on different ends of the budget spectrum. On the upper end of the budget, […]


So You Think You Can Skate

The 3 things I learned from our attempts to execute a skating dance program. The Big Breakfast decided to honour the arrival of Skate Canada International in Kelowna with an attempt at a dance program, yes, on skates. These athletes are amazing and what a great way to highlight just how amazing by attempting to do even a smidge of what they […]


I need feminism

Did the title scare you away? Please stay and give me a moment, this will be quick and only a smidge painful. I battle with the title feminist because of preconceived notions that don’t fully embrace what a feminist is. Here is the definition:  The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. That makes sense, right? Right. […]


Kids these days!

What a wonderful gift. I always try to stay positive in life. I daily remind myself that I have a choice of how I view the world, my community, my workplace, my homelife, and myself.  I long ago tossed out my rose coloured glasses but my rose tinted glasses remain. I choose to think the best of people, situations and […]


In the name of the selfie

In light of all the mental health talk that is going around as people try to wrap their minds around the death of Robin Williams, I took stock of my own metal health to determine where I was standing and if I needed to reach out for some assistance. The list is fairly extensive but all in all I am doing pretty […]


Dear Kelowna

Well hello Kelowna! I have waited almost a month to write this blog. I wanted to really settle in and try to find the right words. This move to Kelowna is a first for me. I can hear what some of you are thinking… Ummmm.. Susan, what do you mean.. you lived in Kelowna for almost 7 years.. you were […]