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Cupid requests that you get over yourself

  I am a lucky gal.. a fabulous husband who in many ways is my best friend. I have friends that are envious of the relationship I have, and I don’t blame them! But here is a secret. We STINK at Valentines Day. Actually we kind of stink at romance in general. It just worked out that way. There is […]


It’s been a long time since I cried about being stupid.

I took up knitting recently. Sometimes I push aside the fact that I don’t learn the way other people do, sometimes the harsh reality of it sneaks up and smacks me over the head and I cry. Big desperate frustrating crocodile tears. It’s not the actually act of knitting that is causing my frustration. I understand that it takes practice […]


Come on be happy!

Yup I am bilingual. I speak english and I speak another language fluently that drives much of my friends and family insane; hypothetical. That’s right. Hypothetical. …a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena… Learning to speak this language gave me a wonderful gift. It gave me a way to escape […]


Well hello 2014.. here is what I pledge to you

Resolutions are a pain in the butt. I know plenty of people who say yearly resolutions don’t work or doing them once a year is a set up for failure, but I don’t think so. I think we tend to attack them in ginormous chunks, so either our resolutions are too broad with no specific goals; Example: In 2014 I […]


That dream of yours? Not gonna happen.

This blog is the outcome of too many inspirational quotes posted on facebook and from reading too many cheesy motivational speaker blogs. Where would the world be without dreamers? Follow your dream, that is the way to true happiness! Even Walt Disney said; “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Hey, I’m not going […]